University Counselling

Discover our University Counselling services and secure a place in the degree you need, at the university of your choice.

High Achievers Program

Expert advice and preparatory courses for university admission. Guarantee your place at any university in the world.

Accessing the university of your dreams is possible, and good university counselling is vital to know how to pick your destinations and prepare a solid application. Join our High Achievers Program in the hands of educational consultants who perfectly know the entrance requirements of each university, the attributes they look for in the candidates and the way to convey these in the best possible motivation letter.

Thanks to our personalized approach, we guide you through the entire application process to the universities of the main destinations in the United Kingdom, the United States and Europe: Holland, Germany, Spain, Italy, Ireland, Switzerland and Denmark.

expertos en la orientación universitaria

Admission to Oxford and Cambridge

The two top universities in the United Kingdom have their own, unique application processes.
To achieve admission, you will firstly need to get extremely high results in your A-Levels or IB, and you will need to have an outstanding Personal Statement. Following that, you will have to obtain a reasonably high mark in the admission tests. Lastly, you will need to pass an interview.

acceso a oxford y cambridge

Thorough preparation of the exámenes de admisión is key if you wish to have a good chance. The universities themselves highly recommend perfecting techniques for the admission tests. For this reason, we have a specialist team of teachers with expertise in each of the tests. To date, they have tutored 40 students for the tests, 70% of whom have achieved the necessary results to go on to the interview stage.

During your time with us, we’ll work on marking scheme techniques, time management, and getting you completely familiar with the exam format. On top of this, you will receive exclusive didactic materials which will help you reach your full potential.

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2024-25 Academic Year

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